Know your hemp

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: A Complete Guide For Your Reference

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: A Complete Guide For Your Reference

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: A Complete Guide For Your Reference Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals- are often considered a significant source of nutrition for a healthy body. Our daily nutrition plate should have these four sources mindfully covered. However, we tend to miss out on a very significant source of nutrition that is essential fatty acids. But, we tend to miss out on a very significant nutrition source: essential fatty acids. Fatty acids are the prime source of energy in our bodies. Storing energy, stimulating metabolism, and absorbing vitamins from food are crucial roles performed by fatty acids. These fatty...

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Hemp seeds: a journey from the foothills of himalayas to your smoothies

Hemp seeds: a journey from the foothills of himalayas to your smoothies

HEMP SEEDS: A JOURNEY FROM THE FOOTHILLS OF HIMALAYAS TO YOUR SMOOTHIES Hemp plants are one of the significant parts of the Ayurveda. First spotted in the foothills of the Himalayas, the hemp plant is considered a gift from nature. Each part of the hemp plant- seeds, fibre, stalk, flowers- have numerous nutritional benefits. Hemp seeds are considered one of the best plant sources of nutritional value. Improving the immune system, smoothing muscle functions, and maintaining cardiovascular health are vital features one looks for in their well-being and are achievable through hemp seeds. Along with health-related benefits, hemp seeds aid...

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Why vegan diet is gaining popularity?

Why vegan diet is gaining popularity?

WHY VEGAN DIET IS GAINING POPULARITY? Veganism is everywhere! The goals might vary from ethical to environmental factors, but one thing is for sure; one will wake up energetic, fresh and healthy. Vegan Diet is defined as a nutritious diet that includes plant-based products like green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, etc. At the same time, it excludes the consumption of meat and animal-based dairy products like milk, curd, eggs, etc. The health benefits of following a vegan diet are massive, especially for people who want to lose weight. Also, the nutritional values present in plant-based products protect them from severe...

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A Healthy Heart is a Way to Healthy Life!

A Healthy Heart is a Way to Healthy Life!

A Healthy Heart is a Way to Healthy Life! A person who is 35 years, their heart will beat 1.25 billion times. Simultaneously, the same person has spent 1.1 billion seconds of his/her lifespan. Your heart is always active! The heart is the epicentre to overall good health. Embracing a healthy lifestyle, timely eating habits, and a regular workout regime can prevent heart diseases. Age doesn't matter to begin taking care of the heart. Indeed, the earlier you start making healthy choices, the longer your heart can reap the benefits. Given the fact that the heart is never-off its duty,...

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